Bright colors, laughter, and dance surrounded the family of our Indore, India coworkers during our 8th Family Day event. Family Day is an annual event where our employees and their families are invited to join the management team for a meal and entertainment.
The event was well attended with 250 people, including our Managing Director Steve Corbett and Director Tejal Desai. We also took this opportunity to reminisce on our beginning, which started 8 years ago and we thanked all of our employees who have been with us since the factory opened.
Our celebration started with a welcome from Steve Corbett, as well as a family quiz (a fun one to get us all smiling)! This was followed by a cultural fashion show and Garba dancing, where prizes were awarded. Before breaking for a delicious lunch, our special guest made his appearance, Baba Ramdev an Indian Famous Yoga Guru who has taught yoga to celebrities, made TV appearances, a mimic artist, and Indian Famous Comedy Show.
The event was enjoyed by all who attended. Please enjoy these photos taken at the event.