Safety First – Our Core Value

Our Commitment to Safety

EDGE considers safe operations to be our first and most important core value. Only through a collaborative effort by ALL of us, can this be achieved. It is the responsibility of ALL of us, to participate in the zero harm program. The ONLY acceptable goal for our safety program is ZERO injuries. Our safety culture will always be a big part of who we are.

Key Concepts

Find, report, act, protect are the 4 primary responsibilities of all our EDGE employees.

  • Find:  It is your responsibility to actively search for and FIND unsafe behaviors, hazards and conditions.
  • Report:  It is your responsibility to REPORT unsafe behaviors, hazards and conditions so that we can correct them and prevent future injuries.
  • Act:  It is your responsibility to ACT upon unsafe behaviors, hazards and conditions quickly and correctly before they become incidents.
  • Protect:  It is your responsibility to PROTECT our culture by learning how to avoid unsafe behaviors, hazards and conditions.  We learn from our past and can improve our mindset as a team for the future.

Our SHE (Safety, Health and Environment) Representative Team:  

By representing your colleagues you are helping to make the workplace healthier and safer for everyone.  Worker involvement is fundamental to good health and safety performance.  This is because employees who do the job can recognize potential risks based on experience, put practical controls in place and make a commitment to health and safety  in their workplace.  Contact your SHE Committee Member if interested in serving.


The ONLY acceptable goal is ZERO injuries!

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