Author Archives: JFowler

E-Commerce Packaging Trends: What It All Means for You

There is no doubt that the world of e-commerce has thrown our lives into a practical and accessible whirlwind. From moguls like Amazon and Overstock to boutique-based concepts like Etsy, the e-commerce options out there are becoming ever-so limitless. The question arises: What aesthetic packaging trends are these brands using to attract and maintain customers?. . .

Evolving Your Packaging For Increasing Demand In The Cannabis & Tobacco Industries

When it comes to the packaging industry, it pays to look toward the future – and prepare for tomorrows’ trends today. In this blog from TGW International, we’ll look at forecasted future demand for packaging in the cannabis and tobacco industries. Demand For Cannabis & Tobacco Packaging Is On The Rise Thanks to continued statewide. . .

Important Things To Know About Meat & Seafood Packaging In 2021 & Beyond      

At TGW International, we’re a top supplier of machine knives for the meat and seafood packaging and processing industries, so we’re always staying up-to-date on the latest trends. Let’s discuss a few things you should know about the industry in 2021 and how they may impact the world of meat and seafood packaging in the. . .

How The Right Blades Contribute To Better Poultry Processing Operations

Poultry processing is a highly competitive environment, and streamlining processing operations to maximize poultry throughput is very important for ensuring profitability and continued success. At TGW International, we can help you get the high-quality poultry processing blades you need to ensure uninterrupted operations at your facility. Learn more below. Our Comprehensive Poultry Blade Solutions –. . .

European Packaging Trends In 2021 And Beyond – What To Expect

The global packaging market continues to grow, and despite the impact of COVID-19 coronavirus, strong economic growth is continuing to increase demand worldwide. In this blog, we’ll look at a few trends that are likely to affect the European market, in particular, and what this may mean for companies in the packaging industry. The Flexible. . .

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